Dodge Sprinter

Brian P. of Savannah, Georgia was initially wary of purchasing a Dodge Sprinter van. As the owner of a successful delivery service, he was looking to upgrade his delivery trucks, hopefully to save money without loosing overall efficiency. His business had consisted mostly of smaller deliveries for local businesses, but Brian dreamed of expanding into larger deliveries that his small delivery cans just couldn’t handle.

Over the previous five years, his service had tried a number of different cargo vans and trucks. While some vans and trucks offered the room he needed for larger packages, his drivers reported that the the van’s lacked the maneuverability and smoothness to keep the packages from shifting in transport. Others offered smoother rides, but required more trips back and forth from the shop, which meant more fuel and fewer deliveries per day. He thought a van would be perfect for his larger deliveries, but questioned how a large van would handle the delicate, sensitive deliveries. That’s when one of his friend’s suggested he check out the Dodge Sprinter van.

A quick peek in the Dodge Sprinter’s interior was all it took for Brian to see how much space he was getting for his dollar. The large, open cargo area of the Dodge Sprinter meant less trips back and forth from the office. Where Brian could previously only manage lighter loads limited to less than 2000 lbs., the Dodge Sprinter would let his business take on much heavier loads. And still only a few feet in width, the Dodge Sprinter would allow Brian to open up his delivery business to larger, single packages while still being able to manage the typical smaller deliveries. His customers would appreciate the speed with which their packages would be delivered, while Brian could rest easy knowing that he was saving money at the end of the day.

When you spend so many hours a day on the road, comfort becomes a factor. Fortunately for Brian, bumps in the road disappear under the Dodge Sprinter’s steady, narrow frame and revolutionary weight distribution system. Brian is able to take hard turns in all weather conditions without worrying about the road or its effect on his cargo. Furthermore, the cab is surprisingly spacious as well, giving Brian enough room to comfortably operate his business from the road.

At the root of the Dodge Sprinter’s smooth ride is the quality design. Utilizing years of experience, the engineer’s at Dodge Sprinter worked for years to create the perfect melding of frame design and high performance, fuel efficient engine design.

As part of an incentive program, Brian chooses not to charge an extra fuel surcharge for most deliveries. To make up for this lost income, Brian selected the Dodge Sprinter for it’s fuel efficient diesel engine. Not only would he would he save money with fewer trips back to the shop, but he could be confident that his trucks would get significantly more miles to the gallon than other diesel driven vans and trucks. No matter the load size, Brian knows that the engines in his delivery vans are not wasting one drop of fuel. This, coupled with affordable pricing offered by his local Dodge Sprinter dealer, meant Dodge Sprinter was the right decision for Brian’s bottom line.


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